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Ten days of Ashtanga with Chuck Miller – Visby Gotland 2019

15 april, 2019 @ 16:00 - 24 april, 2019 @ 16:00

Chuck Miller hör till en av de lärare som ständigt inspirerar yogalärare och yogautövare i hela världen med sin undervisning, djupt förankrad i etik och med kunskap om teknik/filosofi som ett sätt att upptäcka och nå djupare i en förståelse om den egna individen.

About the course

TK Krishnamacharya said: ”The seed of yoga comes up differently in each individual.” The path of yoga is personal and needs to be appropriate for each individual. In this course Chuck will share with us, drawing on his vast experience of years of practicing Ashtanga and Iyengar yoga, how to apply asanas appropriately so that each of us can achieve our ultimate potential. Yoga philosophy will be linked to the practice of asana, pranayama and meditation for the purpose of greater insight. Focus will be on a non-dogmatic and open approach to what is useful and effective – universal principles that apply to all yoga practices. The course will encourage the development of self reliance and the compassionate support of each other’s evolution.

Limited space, so please apply early!
Note – all classes are taught in english, and the final schedule is not yet set.


Monday, 15 April 2019
Registration starts 15.00
16:00-19:00 Practice session, guided Ashtanga vinyasa practice, theme/focus: standing postures

Tuesday, 16 April 2019
10:00-12:15 Practice session, guided Ashtanga vinyasa practice, theme/focus: inversions
13:15-16:00 Training seminar: Deepening your understanding of inversions

Wednesday, 17 April 2019
10:00-12:15 Practice session, guided Ashtanga vinyasa practice, theme/focus: backbends
13:15-16:00 Training seminar: Deepening your understanding of backbends

Thursday-Wednesday, 18-24 April 2019
10:00-12:15 Practice sessions themed around daily study subject
13:15-16:00 Training seminars covering subjects like:

Blue print postures and universal actions and alignments
Breaking down the key postures
Lines of energy
Reading bodies
Hands-on adjustments
Sequencing your class or practice
Problem solving for common injuries
Basic therapeutics
Basic principles of teaching, incl. order of instructions; teaching from the ground up; breath, roots, core; intention and direction
Philosophy as a practical guide
Teaching beginners


First 3 days (Mon-Wed) are open to everyone with some experience of Ashtanga yoga. All levels of trainees are welcome these first days.

Remaining 7 days, are open to yoga practitioners, teachers, teacher trainees, and everyone who has studied with Chuck before (or has attended first three days of training). It’s good to be willing to dive into the details of the practice and open to get a new perspective on what you think you know.

Priser / Prices

Första tre (3) dagarna / First three days 3500 SEK, EUR 340
Sista elva (7) dagarna/ Last seven days 8000 SEK, EUR 780
Hela workshopen 10 dagar / Whole workshop 10 days / 10750 SEK, 1040 EUR
Anmälningsavgiften är 1500 (3-dagars)/2000 (7 eller 10 dagar) kronor, kan ej återfås men överlåtas till annan deltagare.
Registration fee is 160 (3 days only)/210 (7 or 10 days) EUR, cannot be refunded, but transferred to another participant taking this workshop!

International payment info

BIC/IBAN: HANDSESS / SE93 6000 0000 0005 3749 4782
Bank name: Handelsbanken
Please write participants name and address.

Skicka din intresseanmälan till: info@lilashala.se. Ange fullständigt namn, hemadress och mobilnummer. Betala först när du fått en bekräftelse.

To sign up, email your name, mobile number and home address to info@lilashala.se. Payment asap after received response, thanks!



15 april, 2019 @ 16:00
24 april, 2019 @ 16:00